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Blogging tips

Friday, May 26, 2006

Blog Successful tips

Doesn't know where to start a blog of your own? May i ask you this, what are you reading here? and what place are you reading? I mean your browser now at where, not where you are sitting on, and your home.

Tips no. 1 : No Cost and Free

Start something new, something that interest you. Before i jump to the conclusion, why not take a tour at, a place where you actually can start your own blog with no cost and its free. Besides, on the internet today you can simply search terms on "Free Blog" on any search engine, i am sure you find some of it "FREE" and to start with.

Tips no. 2 : Private and Confidential

Well, you know, the internet today, its like a spread gems, or virus, once you have your own blog, it can be found by anyone that looks for something that similar to what you might be blogging at. The thing is, this is not about getting famous or getting to be well known, still don't get what i meant? Ask yourself, how do you land here? Search? friends? Some website mentioned about here? Yes, either way, you will be landing here, what P & C got to do? Your name, your email address, your personal information and all sort of thing that you might actually submit before you sign up to any of the FREE to BLOG website. The tip is or should i say, the advice is, try not to expose too much about yourself while you signing up for one, unless its necessary that you need to letting them to know your real email, thats fine, email sometime are used to activate your account, or even get back your password if you can't remember it, but do keep it P&C on your personal stuff and information, cos the real bad things that you might actually be or are going to face is, spams, unwanted junk mail and full of it.

Wait, it doesn't end this post yet, the abovementioned wasn't the full part of Successful blog tips, its just the begining of it.

Now let's say, you have a blog! Do you have traffic? What are traffic? Traffic doesn't mean that you owe a traffic and people driving around, yes similar to it, cos in Internet language, people passing by or drop in on your blog, they are also consider as Traffic. Do you know how to build traffic to your blog? Some fans that will keep coming back to your blog, read it, or even give some opinion on, or even step you at your back on comments, worst thing that you might not want, is spammer. Once you start a blog for a few months, you'll get used to those spammers. To startup with a successful blog, there are seven proven methods for building readership of your blog. They start with defining the purpose, or life, of your blog. Then, after you have a blog worth promoting, driving traffic is crucial to your ongoing success at blogging. Believe me, this was the few tactics and tips were being used by blogger today out there, and some might not be agree with this tips, but some do. Why not? Have a try :)

Here are seven tips to help you build and hold an audience for your blog:

Tip #1: Content, content and lastly content.

Ask yourself another question, when you key in some search text on the any search engine, what are the things that you are really looking for? Information. Yes, and thats where contents came out to be very important. Imagine that you look for something on the net by searching on search engine, you click on the result and you were being sent to the website that you've click, and when the loading of the website is done, and all you see on the website is just a few words, nothing specific, not even what you are looking for. How would you feel? Are you going to come back later for it or even bookmark the website for future references? For me, i won't even bother to come back again. On Internet today, whether you are talking about websites or blogs, a lot of their spaces is given to content of informations where they can actually read more on and making sure that the reader would bookmark the website and come back later to see what are the new updates. Everyone directs you to provide quality content. What are the "quality content"? A quality of your blog’s content is directly related to how well you have defined your ideal audience and how well you might provide the information for them and to them.

A successful blog is written with a distinct readers in mind. In this way, you can provide content that is unique to your reader’s issues, needs, or desires. If you create content they like and wish to return to read, you have quality content. In a same situation to explain this out, let's say, you are a salesman, and trying to sell a watch. And a customer came to you, what should you do? Do you just show him/her the watch and let it be? NO. Thats your answer. Define the watch, price of the watch, what use for the watch, why use this watch, or even which Hollywood's star wore this watch also(that's a bit far). And a again information is the point, in this case, we treat information as a content, where you will drive the customer want to know more and would love to purchase it, in the case, your reader would love to come back again to read on your blog.

Content, is a first priority for a successful blog.

Tip #2 : Don't even think of skip class

No, this is not about going to a class, blog always. If you don't update your blog often enough, blog readers will move on to other blogs. There are too many blogs out there competing for attention. Blog readers will go where they can get enough of what they want.

Successful blogging do takes commitment of your time. When you begin blogging and wish to attract a readers, you should be prepared to blog each topic a day and its everyday not Monday and Sunday nor skip until each post per month, i will definitely not going to come and take a look on it unless you are thinking of starting a blog for fun, if so, stop reading here, go get other things.

This means you should also try to post at the same time each day like a time that fix on you are having your lunch and dinner. Some readers just come back on schedule and check your blog at the appropriate time.

Since you now have quality content and a regular posting schedule, it’s time to drive some traffic to your blog.(We assumed that you already know what type of blog that you going to start) Your readers will do a lot to promote your blog just by telling their friends. Don’t count on this alone! You need to do some additional work.

When you post, make sure you set your blog to “ping” blog tracking sites every time you add a new post. Think of this as a means to get their attention. The ping says “Hey, we just added a new post”. Or even notify your readers, or you can first try on This is a one-stop place to ping everyone you should notify of your new post and only takes a couple of minutes or so, to accomplish.

Tip #3 : Do some business e-card way

No. You don't go and inform to print a business e-card for you, business e-card might actually be your email signature line, in forums where you post, on your business cards(this is for companys), on address labels and in conversations with anyone you meet. Use a tag line under your blog address to further entice them to visit.

Tip #4 : Join in the blogger world

Get involved in other people's blogs, just remember not to spam. Visit those blogs that might interest you and are in line with the general topic of your blog. Then, leave thoughtful comments, many of the new blogger today might do it this way, a way of letting others know your blog exist. Almost every comment option on someone else’s blog will allow you to post your blog URL and your email address. Helping each other out, is also a key to a successful blog or even it may help you drive in some traffic for you.

If a blogger really likes your site, they will add you to their link, or even mentioned about your topic on your website. Some even will add a link under the title "Recommended Link", same goes to you, if you like the webiste that you are reading on, for sure that, you will tell your friends and family, same way, you will also put a link to those website that you like to stick on.

Tip #5: Submit your blog to blog directories

In addition to submitting your blog to the major search engines, make certain you submit the blog to exclusively blog directories like blogwise, blogcatalog, or bloghub. Many people find blogs through these online directories.

When you do submit your blog to these directories, remember to add a description that will entice your targeted audience to check your blog out. Your description should help the potential reader understand your blogging topic and the flavor of how you write.

In addition to submitting your blog to blog directories, join a few of the free or buy an inexpensive traffic exchange sites like blogexplosion or blogclicker. It sure helps not alot but more then enough to drive you some traffic.

In summary, blogging may not be for everyone. However, it can be a great method for bringing your unique perspective to the Internet world of today. You will surely find others who think the same way you do. Some bloggers will entertain you, some will inform you, and some will drive you to tear your hair out. Decide what type of blogger you want to be and be the best you can.

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